Company history

Tele Haus Servis Ltd. belongs to the Vinci group and was established in its current form in 2022, as a result of changes in ownership.

However, the history of the company is inseparably connected to the now-defunct companies Tel-Team Investments Ltd. and Tele Haus Poland Ltd. and dates back to 1998. Initially, both companies carried out the activities of telecommunications operators and dealt with the lease, construction and maintenance of optical fibre network systems. Additionally, the two above-mentioned companies built 600 km of their own optical fiber network systems in the area of Warsaw and 500 km in the areas of Poznań and Wrocław. In 2014, Tele Haus Poland Ltd. acquired Tele Haus Kraków Ltd. and thus took over a further 120 km of optical fiber network systems.

In the meantime, GTS acquired shares in both companies and then T-Mobile Polska Joint Stock Company further acquired the shares becoming the sole shareholder of Tele Haus Servis Ltd. As a result of the work and commitment of many people, two small companies belonging to the T-mobile group, merged into one thriving company in 2019. This allowed for a division within the newly acquired group creating a branch responsible for providing services and a branch responsible for the infrastructure. This division allowed for the founding of a new company Tele Haus Servis Ltd. in mid-2020. The abovementioned transitions allowed Tele Haus to provide services under a new name thus allowing the company to provide more services to its customers.

Today Tele Haus Serwis Ltd.:

5 locations

is located in Poznań, and thanks to other cities in Poland such as: Kobyłka/ Warsaw, Kraków, Gdańsk and Wrocław we are able to provide serives in the whole country

Employs experienced staff

90 people employed on a permanent contract basis

6000 km of optical fiber

has 6000 km of optical fiber network systems, which are a part of a nation-wide telecommunication operator network system

2000 projects annually

executes approximately 2000 projects annually

Modern equipment

is equipped with sophisticated and modern equipment which allows for the execution of projects


delivers the highest quality of services, taking into account the needs and expectations of customers