Designing optical fiber network systems

As a company being responsible for executing optical fiber network projects there are many challenges which need to be overcome. Our teams of experienced designers are able to professionally prepare all of the necessary documents, using modern and practical solutions, allowing us to implement both underground conduit systems or cable pipelines as well as network systems inside buildings.

Our scope of work also includes specialised projects, i.e. projects related to obtaining water and legal permits, or projects in closed areas – train stations, airports, mining areas.

Our designers will prepare documents, based on the basis of a on-site inspection and taking into account the situation in a given location, meeting the requirements of telecommunications and construction law and the expectations of our clients.

Projektowanie Sieci Swiatlowodowej

Tele Haus Servis Ltd. provides services in the area of:

Projektowanie kanalizacji teletechnicznej

Designing optical fiber network systems for customers

Projektowanie kabli swiatlowodowych

Designing underground conduit systems

Projektowanie przylaczy swiatlowodowych do budynkow

Designing optical fiber cable network systems

Przeprowadzanie wizji lokalnych oraz inwentaryzacji infrastruktury w terenie

Designing optical fibre connection network systems for buildings

Integracja z istniejaca lub projektowana infrastruktura telekomunikacyjna

Carrying out local inspections and infrastructure inventory in the terrain

Opracowywanie dokumentacji powykonawczej w zakresie budowy infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej

Integrating existing or designed telecommunication infrastructures

Wydawanie warunkow technicznych

Preparing as-built documentation for the construction of telecommunications infrastructures

Wydawanie warunkow technicznych

Issuing technical conditions and agreements for telecommunication projects for T-Mobile network systems